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Will it ever get any better ?

I haven't been writing on here much. Honestly because things don't change. Next week it will be Arias birthday. She will be 6. It hurts...

Memorial Weekend

We (my husband and I) went to a memorial weekend in Essex. It was beautiful. So many parents and families there. They had all lost...

Nothing changes

We have had amazing news. Our grandson has been born. His name is Finley. He's gorgeous. Our daughter has been amazing. It's been...

I'm struggling.

I am trying so hard every day. But I'm struggling so much recently. I just sit and cry. I'm due to go back to the doctor's soon. But, how...

Broken Heart 💔💔

I don't think my heart will ever be complete again, it will always be broken. I have had a few wobbly days recently. I am completely...

Tougher days

Some days are tougher than others. Like today, we are starting to dismantle things on the garden ready for our move. The garden is now...

I really feel like I've had enough

This pain in unbearable. It hurts so much. I just want my little girl back. I feel everything is getting on top of me. I don't feel like...

Will it get any easier?

I'm finding each day hard. It's a little easier now my antidepressants have been increased. They make me feel numb, at the moment, that's...

I hate grief so much

I really hate grief. I just don't know when this pain will ever stop. Why should I have to be put through this? It really hurts so so...

Pain with grief

I think people think grief goes within a few months or a year after losing someone. That's so wrong. My pain started when Aria passed....


I don't think I ever thought grief could be so difficult to navigate. Yes, I've lost loved ones before. Likey my grandparents. I cried so...

I just want to scream

I really just want to scream. I've finally had the courage to re watch Arias videos. I'm in tears. I know I can never replace these or...


As I sit on my bed holding Aria in her Urn, the tears flow. They are so heavy. This is all I have left of her. She is no longer here to...

Today I went to see the doctor

Today I went to see the doctor. 2 issues, one was I am not coping and the other I'm not sleeping. Well I haven't slept properly since May...

Some days I can't cope 😭

Some days are harder than others..some days all I do is cry. I hate this. I have found my antidepressants help to get me through my 6 hrs...

Today has been hard 😞

Today has been very hard. Whilst at work (the other people I work with have no idea about this), I heard some ladies laughing and saying...

It's not ok

I am really not ok. Im so sad and down in the dumps. I really just want my Aria back. I watch her videos and I cry so much. It's all I...

Just why?

I find myself asking this a lot. Just why? Why my little girl? Why my Aria? Am I that horrible of a person. Why couldn't we have watched...

Blog: Blog2
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