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Will this pain ever ease?

I wonder if this pain will ever ease? Will I be able to go a day without crying? It's been 14 months since my beautiful angel took her...

Things are still not great 😔

I'm feeling more and more down about losing Aria the last few days. There is no reason to it, other than I miss her terribly. I sit in my...

Still finding things very hard

I feel I have been doing ok. But, the last few days. All I've done is cry. There is another little girl who's declining with dipg. But...

Am not ok! 💔

Just when I think I'm ok, bang it hits me again. Today I thought I was doing ok. I've been keeping myself busy. I went to support my...

This really hurts

It doesn't get any better it's actually getting worse. I should have a beautiful 5 year old here. A little girl who would be 6 this year....

The last few days have been difficult

The last few days have been very difficult. I've cried a lot. I'm replaying Arias last few days in my mind over and over again. It really...

Not a good day 😭

Today is not a good day. All I've done is cry. I've cried over hardly anything today. I just don't know why I'm like this. I've been ok....

Time really doesn't help 😔

Time really doesn't help at all. People say time helps. I don't feel it does at all. I feel worst now than I ever have. I just want my...

Feeling overwhelmed 😞

I have been working now for 3 days. I'm really enjoying it, which is a relief. But, today when I came home and was finally able to sit...

When you think it gets easier 💔

I think it's getting easier and bang....the tears are back and they are heavy. That's all I've done today is cry. I've cried because this...

Each day is still very painful 😣

I still find each day very painful. I still cry, I talk to Aria all the time. Either out loud or to myself. I really wish she was here...

Blog: Blog2
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