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Feelings don't change

I don't really think that others really understand the pain of losing a child, unless they have lost one. I totally get that. I didn't...


Why is always the question I ask. Why did this happen? Why my Aria? Just Why? It's something nobody can answer. Noone can answer why it...

Why does this hurt so much?

Evenings are the worst time for me. It's when we would be getting Aria ready for bed and settling her down. But, these days the emptiness...

I feel like I want to scream

I just hate this. That's all I can really say. I just keep repeating myself, over and over. The pain I'm in is horrible, I wouldn't want...

I'm struggling

I am struggling so much. I just want life to go back to how it should be. Not how it is. I cry a lot. I miss Aria every day. It really...

I feel like I'm going mad 😞

I really feel like I'm going mad. I don't feel like me at all. I'm that numb on antidepressants that I am just about functioning. Is this...

19 months and still no better

I hoped things would have been better by now. It's been 19 months since we lost Aria. I feel like it's day one. I've been back to the...

Not a great day

I knew today would be a not so good day. I woke up to tears. I woke up to a nightmare of replaying Arias last moments with us. So, I knew...

I am so fed up

I am so fed up of feeling like this. I feel like I'm dying inside. I am so fed up of having to put a mask on and saying I'm ok, when...

Grief sucks 😞

Grief really does suck. It doesn't matter how hard I try and be positive I get hit with sucks. Today is not a good day. I...

Am I bitter or am I still grieving?

The last few days I have felt on edge. I have felt bitter about everything. About losing Aria, about why did it have to be her?, about...

I feel like I'm drowning

I really feel like I'm drowning in the pain I'm in. I don't feel like it's getting any easier, I feel like it's getting harder. I'm...

I'm struggling more than ever

Today I am really struggling .I don't feel great at all. I feel really down. I have cried so much today. I've sat in Arias bedroom and...

I can't sleep 😪

I feel so restless recently. I can't sleep. I am living in a nightmare. All I keep thinking is about the last time I held Aria. How I...

Blog: Blog2
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