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  • atphodgkiss

Tougher days

Some days are tougher than others. Like today, we are starting to dismantle things on the garden ready for our move. The garden is now empty, even Arias playhouse has been dismantled ready to move. This is coming with us. I felt a sudden pain of sadness. It hit me. Like the realisation that she is gone. Some days I make do with just telling myself that she is just away for a bit and she will be back soon. Today I stood and cried. She's really gone. I feel empty again. It's a horrible feeling! I hate it.

No amount of pain or help will ever take this away from me. I have been told this is "normal".

Again, why Aria? I'm so angry and sad at the same time. I just hate it!

Let's hope I can move forward from here and not cry every day.

I love you Aria Menai 💜💜💜💜💜

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