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  • atphodgkiss

Nothing changes

We have had amazing news. Our grandson has been born. His name is Finley. He's gorgeous. Our daughter has been amazing. It's been wonderful. But at the same time it's like we are back when Aria was born. I cried a lot recently. It hurts.

Nothing really changes. Everyone carries on each day but I feel like I am in a bad dream. Like Aria is so far away that I can't get her. She would have been 6 in May this year. But, this is another birthday she isn't here. People say keep going your doing amazing. But, honestly I have no choice. I have to carry on for my family.

I can be sitting and next thing I'm crying. Crying because life is so unfair. All I ever wanted was a family and to be happy. I feel like our family is broken and I'm not happy. It's so hard to explain. I just feel I am not living. I feel so down most of time. How much more can I take? I dont know.

I am due to see the Dr next week. I always let her know how I feel. I just feel lost. Unable to be happy because Aria isn't here. She should be here. I feel like a broken record. I'm so scared that my husband will get fed up of me. I tend to cry on my own, this way I'm not upsetting anyone.

I just wish life was better 💔

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1 Comment

Apr 13

Oh how I understand. I miss my daughter too, and I will never be the same. Never. My adult son is all I have left in this world . He hasn’t married yet, so I have no grandchildren. I feel so alone. I’m also afraid he won’t marry and when I die he’ll be all alone in this world. My friends have their children and grandchildren. They really don’t understand. Once you lose a child, life is forever changed.

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