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Merry Christmas Aria 💜💜

Merry Christmas Aria 💜💜 I love you so much. Nadolig Llawen. I miss you so much. We are not doing Christmas at all. Abi is with Joe and...

I hate this

I really hate this. I just cry all of the time. I am no good to anyone. Tomorrow the 20th of December 2023 will be a year since we said...

It's so difficult

I still feel very down. I try and carry on every day for Aria. It's so difficult. I still cry every day. She really should be here. I...

I feel like I'm living in a nightmare 😭

I really feel like I'm living in a nightmare. Maybe it's the lack of sleep. But, I keep replaying Arias final moments in my head and when...

It's difficult every day

It's so difficult so every day. I see everyone else happy. But, I am so miserable. I try and not be so sad but it's so hard. Grief eats...

I'm scared.

I am so scared that everyone is forgetting about Aria. That she was never here. I feel like it's only me that crys for her. It's only me...

It was my birthday 💔

Yesterday was my birthday. But, I didn't celebrate. I didn't want to. It was just another day. It hurts to much. Aria passed on the 1st...

I miss everything 😭😭

I miss being Arias mum. Yes I'm still a mum to my other children. But they are not children anymore. They have there own lives. I miss...

Grief is horrendous 😭

People think grief is just a simple thing. That you miss the person. I think this is so wrong. There is so many grey areas. Anxiety,...

This doesn't get any better 😭

Just been to the supermarket and had a massive panic attack..then had to sit in the car and just cry. It was horrible. I haven't had one...

Is it to much for me just to be happy?

All I ever wanted was to be happy. I have my beautiful family. We knew something was missing, then we had Aria. Our lives were complete....

I feel so alone 🥺

I have always been a loner, not really a people person. But, now more than ever I feel so alone. I feel sad all of the time. I don't...

1 year without you 💜

Where do I start. Today it's 1 year without you. It's so difficult. All I've done is cry. On the 1st of December 2022 at 12.33am you took...

I can't do this anymore....

I am so broken. At 12.33am on the 1st of December 2022, Aria passes away. It will be a year tomorrow. I am really struggling..I just dont...

I feel I'm living in a nightmare....

As the memories replay back to me from this time last year, I start the whole beginning of the end again. It haunts me. This next 2/3...

Today all I've done is cry....

I hate how memories makes me cry more than I have ever cried. Today I saw memories from last year, when we took Aria to the Christmas...

It's so hard to know what to do?

As we approach the 1st of December it's so difficult to know what the right thing to do is. Yes we will always remember Aria. Others have...

Blog: Blog2
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