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Today is a bad day 😔😭😔

Today is a bad day. I keep on replaying Arias last few hours. I can't stop and I can't stop crying. I really wish she was here. This is...

I wish things were different 😔

This week has been a bit of a down week. I've had no energy to do anything. I know it's going to be hard for a few months as this is...

Little steps forward.....🙏

I am really trying to move forward with each day. It's so hard. Every time I look at your stuff or look at your pictures etc I cry. It's...

Can I just sleep please?

I wish I could sleep from now until next January. As from yesterday to December things were horrendous. We were told our baby girl didn't...

Nothing can prepare you for the pain 😞

It doesn't matter how much you try and cope and get through each day, nothing can prepare you for the pain. The pain of being told your...

The beginning of the end 💔

A year ago we were told you didn't have long left with us. I screamed, I sobbed I held you close and I said to you "I love you and I'm so...

Grief has made me isolate myself

Every day I keep myself to myself. I don't see anyone all day. After taking my daughter to school I lock myself in my house until my...

What's the point?

Just trying to get motivated for the day....but as usual there is no point. I just start crying and wanting Aria back. I've tried so many...

I'm hurting every second of every day 💔

I hate this journey. Its been nearly 10 months of not been able to hold Aria. I hate it! I just don't know how to live with pain. It...

Evenings are the worst time

I always feel worst in the evenings. Aria had a routine and I think it was my routine too. Now I don't. I feel like my world has been...

Do others worry about you?

It have always been a worrier. I worry that other people think the worse of me, or worry what they think of me etc . But, when it comes...

Living with grief

I find it very hard to live with my grief every day. It doesn't matter who I see something always triggers me back to Aria. I am...

Every day gets harder

I feel every day is harder tha the day before. I cry a lot. I have no way of stopping my crying. I feel robbed that she has gone. We have...

Grief brakes you

People say that you will get over grief in time. Honestly time doesnt do anything. To be honest I feel the more time that passes the...

This really hurts

I really hate this. It really hurts. All I want is you back Aria. I don't want anything else...I don't need anything else. I just need...

How can I carry on without her?

I just want to scream....inside I'm screaming....I'm so broken. How can I carry on living without you? This is so hard. It's been 9.5...

Aria always thought of others

Aria was an amazing child. If someone hurt themselves she would be the first to help them or get someone to help them. If she fell down...

Blog: Blog2
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