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This doesn't get any easier!

Every day is so hard. Getting the motivation to do something is so hard. The days gets harder not easier. I am surrounded with Arias...

How not to live?

It's so hard to live each day. Grief hits you in many different ways. You can go through the day and not think, I think that's just the...

Grief does weird things to you!

Every day feels the same. Yet I think they are very different. Some days I cry a lot other days I cry a few times. One thing I have...

This pain is hurts so much

I don't know where to start or what to say. I just need my baby back. This pain I'm feeling is ripping me apart. I cry so much for her....

A life time without her .....

As we come up to the last few weeks before the 1st year without Aria....I am already lost and crying more and more. I can be just making...

Life Vs grief

People say as time passes grief gets easier and life gets easier. It doesn't. I find it harder now than I did when Aria passed away. I...

Wonder why?

I always sit and wonder why Aria had to have Dipg and why she had to pass away? I know many many children and young people pass away from...

Aria.....I'm lost without you 💔

Aria, mummy is lost without you. The grief hits me in waves. I cried today a lot. Mummy's car is broken. But, daddy as amazing he is had...

Just wondering how long?

How long does grief take to live along side grief? I don't think anyone has this answer. Even looking at a rainbow today I cried. It made...

I wish we there was a magic wand.

Some days are harder than others..I think any parent would say this. We finally had some good news. The case against the hospital was...

Nothing helps at the moment

Will this pain ever stop. I feel so down. Feel like life isn't fair at all. Aria was only 4 years old. She had her whole life on front of...

Why did my little one have to leave me?

I really don't know how to keep going. It's so hard. She should be here. I'm so fed up of everything. Life is not fair at all. I'm sick...

Life is really not fair😞

How am I suppose to live my life without the missing jigsaw puzzle missing from our lives. Aria was the missing piece. We always searched...

Why? Just why?

I often ask why? Why my Aria. Why did she have to have a terminal brain tumour. I would trade places with her. I wanted her to have a...

Thank you 😊

I just wanted to write a little something to say a huge thank you everyone who checks in with me. Yes I'm going through a rough patch at...

Blog: Blog2
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