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Life is so hard without you Aria

Life is so hard without you Aria. I have no idea how to carry on without you. I cry so much for you....if tears could bring you back you...

I'm so tired of all of this

It's so difficult to act that I'm ok every day. I cry alone in my room or if noone is around then I cry. Everyone here seems to have...

Learning to live with grief

It's so difficult living without Aria. The flash backs are there every night. It doesn't matter how hard I try and think positive etc it...

I hate grief!

Each day is so hard. I feel a lot of people around me have moved on with there lives and I feel I'm still stuck on day one of losing...

9 months since you left us

It's been 9 months since you left us. Every second of each day is so hard without you. You should be starting year 1 of school next week....

Why is it so hard to get help here?

Grief takes over your life. It's horrible. Ive been having a few issues with my medications. Since Aria was diagnosed I went on anti...

Grief and my journey so far

Every day is different, doesn't matter how hard I try and make each day better it doesn't work like that. You have to get up and see what...

Anxiety knocks me down so much

It doesn't matter how hard I feel like I try I feel like I am not getting anywhere. Today I went shopping and I felt my chest hurt. The...

Trying to overcome each day

Each day is so hard. At the moment I'm finding each day very hard. I feel like I'm declining quickly with how I feel. I don't want to go...

Time does not make things better 😭

All I've done the last few days is cry. I'm so fed up of crying. It's not good to not wanting to do nothing and cry all the time. I can't...

Grief is horrendous

I have always been honest with how I'm feeling. I have never wanted to hide what has happened to us as a family from anyone..I have...

Memories dont always help

I love looking at pictures and videos of Aria. But, sometimes I cry just looking at them. Today a year ago we travelled to Disney at...

Not every day is ok?

After I did the talk for Abbie's Army at beauty pageant I was ok. I think I worked myself up to make it through the night. Sunday I was...

Do others understand how you are feeling?

I think others try and understand how I feel but it's very difficult unless they have been through this. The pain in unberable some days,...

I have to try and carry on for Aria

I have to try and carry on for Aria. Each day is a battle. I have good and bad days. Today is a better day. I went for a job interview...

How can I carry on without you Aria?

I love you so much Aria. It really really hurts that you are no longer here with us. I can no longer hold you or kiss you. You were the...

How day to day objects can make me cry?

It's so hard some days. Even hoovering the stairs can make me cry! We have pictures of Aria everywhere. I am ok most days walking past...

Some days are easier than others?

Yes this is very true. I feel secure when I'm with my husband. I can do more when I'm with him. He's like my comfort blanket. When he is...

Aria and my grief

Today has been one of those days where everything has made me cry. Looking at anything of hers has made me cry. Which normally this keeps...

Blog: Blog2
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