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  • atphodgkiss

Little steps forward.....🙏

I am really trying to move forward with each day. It's so hard. Every time I look at your stuff or look at your pictures etc I cry. It's exhausting. I am in so much pain without you. Every ounce of me aces for you. I talk to you all the time and I really hope you can hear me. I would give anything to hold you and talk to you again. You were only 4 years old.....why did you have to go?

I sing our song every day, well a lots of times per day. I hope you can hear me. We used to sing it together and you always finished the when I sing it I leave the end for you to finish. I can only pray and hope that you are hearing me and you are singing with me.

This hurts Aria. The next few months will be super hard as everything from this time last year will be replaying back again....I hate this...I just need and want you back please.

I love you Aria Menai 💜💜💜💜

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