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  • atphodgkiss

Grief has made me isolate myself

Every day I keep myself to myself. I don't see anyone all day. After taking my daughter to school I lock myself in my house until my husband gets home. All I do is cry. I hate it. But, at the moment this is where I am at. I just want to hide away in my home. Aria is here so I want to be here with her.

Grief eats me up every day. This week has been the worst week ever. Maybe because a year ago this week is when the beginning of the end for Aria. She has a CT and MRI scan and we were told that was it. She was going to die in a few weeks. Well 8 weeks later she did pass away. She left us. This is the worst time of my life.

I wish I could sleep and hide away until January next year. As from this week until December was the worst time ever. I did have Aria, which was amazing but she passed away on the 1st of December at 12.33am.

I feel like grief is eating me away from the inside. I want to scream. I want to cry. I want to be with Aria so much. To hold her and be with her. Life is so unfair.

I hate you dipg. Aria is free and being a little girl she deserves to be. But, I am in so much pain it really hurts. This pain will never leave me....I will be free from this pain when I met Aria again...when I can hold her again.

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