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  • atphodgkiss

I feel so helpless...I'm suppose to protect my family?

I feel so helpless. I wish I had all the answers. You become a parent to protect your children. No child should watch there sister pass away, that's something I can't deal with. How am I suppose to protect my other children from seeing Aria pass away. I hate this. I wish Aria was here and we were all happy. Not crying and battling with the what we saw and what we have been put through. I'm 42 and finding it very hard to deal with, I really don't know how my 3 children have to deal with it all. They are so amazing, yet I worry so much about them.

There is hardly any help here for me let alone my children. If there is help, we have to wait months. I try and keep positive when they are around and can see me. I get upset when there is noone here, this way I can try and deal with my grief. Yet, I see my kids struggle and I can't do anything because this is bigger than "normal" day to day problems. This is massive, this is GRIEF big time. Can someone please tell me how to cope and how to help my children cope throught all of this please 🥺🥺

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