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  • atphodgkiss

Is ok just to go through the motions each day?

I keep asking myself,is it ok just to go through the motions each day? To not actually live but just to keep going. Because, this is what I do.

My typical day is

  • I get up

  • Get ready

  • Take Arias older sister to school

  • Come back

  • Feed the animals

  • Sit down

  • Put the TV on try and eat something

  • Exist and get through the day

  • Make tea

  • Go to bed

Honestly, this is my day. If you actually asked me what I did. I couldn't tell you or what was in the TV, I couldn't tell you. I just don't take it in. Or my mind doesn't want to repeat the this is the same each day.

I haven't been able to get to work. I'm just a mess. I just don't feel like me anymore. I don't feel I'm living. I'm just here. Without Aria it's like a huge part of me has gone with her.

I don't want to leave the house. I don't want to met up with anyone. I don't want to do anything. Just cry and try and get though another day. Is this grief? Am I suppose to be this disconnected from the world? Or is this just me? I don't know. Everyone deals with grief differently. I see others ok and able to go to work and manage each day. They socialise with others they seem to be able to cope a lot better than I do. I just feel like this black cloud isnt moving. I'm stuck in a horrible nightmare....which I wish I could wake up from.

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1 comentario

20 oct 2023

At the moment you are reliving the whole of last year and you are now in the worst phase ..

I know you’ve said that you could just sleep and wake up in January ..I hope that the new year sees an easing of your terrible grief and distress …the new grandbaby some balm for your soul ..

Know that we are always here and send you much love ..💜💜💜

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