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  • atphodgkiss

Each day is still very painful 😣

I still find each day very painful. I still cry, I talk to Aria all the time. Either out loud or to myself. I really wish she was here with us. I miss everything about her.

Over Christmas we went away. I had to get away. It was the only way to survive. Being in the sun for 6 days was lovely. I talked more about Aria, how she would have loved the sea side but hated the sun. I cried whilst away as I saw other children her age. But, at the same time I smiled. Knowing she is looking down on us.

We laughed a lot whilst away. I did get ill, I unfortunately had a very bad abscess. Where my face was so swollen up. After paying so much money I had to have 3 x injections twice a day for 3 days in my bottom. Now that was painful. But, when I was going through this I thought of Aria. If she got through what she did, I could get through all of this. I had to. The medication worked luckily!

Apart from all that, we had a good time away. There was no Christmas, which is what we wanted. I was starting to get ill will hearing and seeing all the Christmas things . Now it's over I can cope just a little bit.

The pain of loosing Aria will never go away, I will learn to live with it and walk along side of it. Some days will be easier than others. One thing I know for sure is Aria will ALWAYS be talked about. Noone will forget her 💜💜💜

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