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  • atphodgkiss

I'm scared.

I am so scared that everyone is forgetting about Aria. That she was never here. I feel like it's only me that crys for her. It's only me that keeps her name and memory going. I feel like she is being forgotten about. That everyone has carried on with there lives and she wasn't able to live to carry on with hers. This eats me up so much.

I will never forget my beautiful princess. It eats me up every day that she isn't here. It eats me up that I couldn't save her. Maybe it's this time of year. But, i feel that she has missed out on so much. We all have. She isn't able to do everything I wanted her to be able to do.

Like do her Christmas list, look forward to Santa coming, be in her school show, going and see Santa etc. she has missed out on all of this. She isn't here and this really hurts.

How can I carry on knowing all of this? Knowing I should have saved her? How, just how?

My one wish every, for my little girl to be here happy and healthy. I know this will never happen. It's a dream in the middle of a bad nightmare 😭😭😭😭😭

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Lisha Brown
Lisha Brown
Dec 11, 2023

Your beautful baby will never ever be forgotten!! She left a lasting impact on so many people like me who were nothing but strangers really but grew to care so much about aria and you! Always thinking of your shining angel 💜😇 xx

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