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  • atphodgkiss

It's so difficult

I still feel very down. I try and carry on every day for Aria. It's so difficult. I still cry every day. She really should be here.

I worry people have forgotten her. That she isn't here anymore so they done remember her. That really hurts me. I know everyone have there own lives. But it would mean so much to me if others said her name, shared anything about her/for her or just checked in with me.

I do struggle. I try and keep going. I will start a new job in January. So I'm hoping this will help me every day.

The silence is deafening. I sit alone, I wish she was here. She kept me going. She knew what to say and what to say. I would neve been alone when she was here. Even when she was in school I never felt alone. I knew she would be back home soon. Now I am alone in the silence and it hurts so much.

I would give anything to go back in time and be with her. Nothing feels ok or happy anymore

I just need my baby please 🙏🙏🙏

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