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  • atphodgkiss

When you think it gets easier 💔

I think it's getting easier and bang....the tears are back and they are heavy. That's all I've done today is cry. I've cried because this is another new year without Aria.

It's been 13 months now without her and it doesn't get any easier. I managed so well over Christmas but for some reason coming into the new year has made me more tearful.

Tomorrow the 2nd of January 2024 I start a new job. I am so thankful to the 2 ladies who said yes to me. Who wanted me on there team. This will help me through a little each day. Which is amazing.

I have to keep going for Aria. Aria managed to battle through every day. She was and still is amazing. Yet, I am still here..still struggling to get to grips with our new lives without her. It's so tough. I am not strong at all. She was and still is the strong girl. She is amazing.

I think I've seen her at the bottom of the stairs. The past few days I've seen something looking up at me. My mind is screaming at the fact that I want it to be her .....I pray it's her. It makes me feel calm knowing she is here and all around me. That she is all around the family. That's all I have left of her now, is the hope and the memories until I see her again.

I love you Aria. Please help mummy 😭

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