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  • atphodgkiss

I never thought it would be this hard 😭😭

I never thought it would be this hard living without Aria. Every day is hard yes. But, it's a lot harder than I thought it would ever be. I really don't know how I carry on each day.

When I see other children who are going through Dipg, I feel I am re living Arias journey all over again. It's so difficult. It's like a pattern, I see what happened to Aria and what will happen next. I don't feel I am strong enough to help other parents and children at the moment. Maybe one day I will be strong enough to do this. I want to be able to do something for Aria in Arias name. I really hope I will be able to one day. At the moment I can just about get through the day for myself and my family.

I just find it so hard to do some things in each day, it's just so difficult.

Today is a difficult day as a year ago we lay out beautiful little girl to rest. We said see you soon, we never said goodbye as it's never a goodbye it a see you soon. Seeing all the memories again brings back everything from last year, this is very upsetting and all I want is my daughter back.

This will never happen, but I have to try and carry on for Aria, fory family and for me.

I still think of Aria every second of every day and this will never stop. I love you so much Aria 💜💜💜💜

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