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  • atphodgkiss

Grief hits you from every direction 😞

When people think or talk about grief. They think it's just about losing the person. You cry and cry and you get on with your life. This is so untrue.

Yes you cry, you cry A LOT. Especially when it's your child. But, it also hits you hard in other places.

Like for me. Sleep is a no no for me these days. I can be awake for hours and hours. Then I fall asleep and I don't want to get up as I'm exhausted. So, I have to force myself up to go to work.

Over eating is another one for me. I can eat my breakfast, then I'm still hungry. So I will eat again. But, some days I don't eat much at all.

Another way it's hits me is. I have bad acne. Not only on my face, but my shoulders and back. I've tried so many different things to help, but nothing works.

Emotions. This is a massive. I can be ok, then bang I'm in such a bad mood. It's ridiculous!.

Lack of energy. Some days all I want to do is sit or sleep. I just don't want to do anything. Not because I am upset. Because, I just don't have the energy to do anything.

Grief hits us all different. These are just some of the ways it's hit me. It gets me down. Some days I just don't even try. But, other days I get so upset because these things are stopping me doing what I want to do.

Some days I just cry because I just want Aria. She should be here. I say this all the time. Because, it's true. I miss her terribly. She was and still is my world. She was my little shadow😞.

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1 Comment

Jan 14

I understand. I just lost my adult daughter this AM.

I’m broken.

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