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  • atphodgkiss

This really hurts

It doesn't get any better it's actually getting worse. I should have a beautiful 5 year old here. A little girl who would be 6 this year. But, she will forever be 4.5 years.

I miss her so much. I'm angry. I'm annoyed. I'm sad. I'm miserable. I'm unhappy.

I am so fed up of all of this. I'm fed up of being so unhappy and miserable. I'm fed up of not having Aria here with us.

My other kids have had to grow up so quickly it's so unfair. I couldn't protect them from what happend. That they had to watch there baby sister die in front of them. Noone should have to go through this especially children. I hate this. How can you live when the person who you want in your life has died.

How? I don't know. I just don't know how to move forward? I have learnt to to put masks on for different situations. But at home I'm me. I'm sad, I'm fed up, I don't know how to move forward 😔

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