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  • atphodgkiss

When every day is a nightmare day 😭

Today I feel like the world is against me. I just feel like nothing is getting better. Every day I am struggling and I don't know how to make things better.

I want to be able to ok and to keep going for Aria. But, every day I feel super anxious and on edge. I feel like nothing goes right. I feel unhappy all of the time. Nothing is making me happy .

It's been nearly 14 months and I feel more down now than I ever have. We are trying to move forward. We have been looking to move into another rented property but it's so difficult. There are so many hoops to jump and I just feel we don't get a break. We are always on edge.

I hate this life. I really do!! What can help? I really don't know.

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1 Comment

Feb 01

I totally understand. You're not alone. I lost my adult daughter on Jan. 13th and it’s been a nightmare. Life seems to just go on for everyone else while I can hardly function. I’m a wreck all the time. Nothing seems to go right. I’m so tired. I just make it moment by moment. I’m starting a grief support group soon, but I don’t really have the energy or desire for that. I understand how you feel.

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