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  • atphodgkiss

Still finding things very hard

I feel I have been doing ok. But, the last few days. All I've done is cry.

There is another little girl who's declining with dipg. But all I see is Aria. I see what she went though. I see how she had to suffer in her few weeks. I hate it. All I do is cry. What use am I, why can't I do something. Aria should be here. I'm angry as well. She should be alive and ok. Not dead and not here. All I can do now is cry for her. I hate this

Something really needs to be done to save our children. I feel I'm going backwards. I am pushing through all these negative thoughts. I'm still going to work etc. But life isn't the same anymore. I hate living. I really do as Aria isn't here. Some people think this is a horrible thing to say as I have my other kids. But, as a lot know they are 16 years plus they no longer need me like Aria needed me.

I should have a happy, healthy 5.5 years old child here with me.....but instead I have her urn. That's why I hate my life.

All I want is to be out of this nightmare 😔😔

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