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  • atphodgkiss

Time does not make things better 😭

All I've done the last few days is cry. I'm so fed up of crying. It's not good to not wanting to do nothing and cry all the time. I can't function like this.

I feel like I have taken a million steps backward and I feel like I am going backwards with my feeling and my grief journey.

I don't want to do anything or be around anyone. I miss Aria so much. I just want to sit with her and talk to her. To listen to her go on about anything and everything. I miss watching her TV programs, I miss making her tea for her. I miss everything.

Life is really not fair. I'm trying my very best to carry on and be as strong as possible for the rest of my family. It's so hard. I just want to cry and cry.

I just want my baby back.

Love you so much Aria 💜💜💜

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It breaks my heart to know that you are struggling ..

I still feel angry at that doctor who refused to renew your medications and told you to exercise 😡

Can I ask if you are totally off your medications now ?…if you are then its no surprise that your grief is intensified ..

My thoughts are with you every da ..sending much love 💜💜💜



Grief is a very, very long journey. There are ups and downs for many years. It takes a long time to get to some semblance of normal. I’m so sorry you’re struggling so badly today.

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