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  • atphodgkiss

Why did my little one have to leave me?

I really don't know how to keep going. It's so hard. She should be here. I'm so fed up of everything. Life is not fair at all. I'm sick of being me. I'm so tired of crying all the time. I'm so tired of wanting answers to my questions and noone answers them. I'm tired of my life. Aria should be here. She should be fast asleep in her bed ready to go to school tomorrow. We should be a happy family. But, instead we are a broken family.

Why do I say this? Because Aria was the glue that kept us all together. Now she is gone. Gone and she is never coming back. I'm sick of it all. The constant pain deep down that's like a burning in the pit of my stomach. Doesn't matter how much I try nothing can take this away. Aria is the only one who would make it better.

Why my little girl? Why did she has to die? Why? Why couldn't she have lived? There must be an answer to my questions? To my pleading? To everything I ask?

I don't know how much more I can take to be honest. The pain is not getting any easier. I hide my pain well....I have to. I have to choice. My choices left when Aria died.

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