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  • atphodgkiss

What is this all about?

I've decided to write about anything and everything that happens to us or rather me whilst I walk side by side with my grief. Rather than offload on Instagram or FB I thought here I can write and offload what I want.

So, the reason I'm here is because on the 1st of December 2022 we sadly lost Aria Menai at 12.33am. She was 4 and a half years old. Aria had Dipg, which is a a terminal brain tumour. It is located in the pons of the brain. Which is the deepest part of your brain and very hard to operate on. The tumour is more like a Octopus kind of tumour and not a solid mass. It grows tenticals and when is re starts growing there is no stoping it. Honestly, when your child is diagnosed with this, all you have is time. There is no cure. No matter what drs says, your child gets very ill and sadly passed away.

How do I know this? Because I've been there. I was the mam who was told my daughter had 9-12 months to live at the age of 3 years old. Aria managed to live 19 months then she passed away and gained her wings.

I've decided to write a blog, hopefully every day. But, I will do this as much as I can. I'm happy to help as much as I can.

Thank you for reading my first blog

Mel xx

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Aug 01, 2023

Mel, I hope you find some comfort by doing this & reaching out to others. Aria will continue her legacy & raise awareness. She certainly educated me & I remember her with great fondness. She was a brave, courageous & beautiful little lady. Thank you for sharing her smile & that wonderful giggle she had with us. 💜🦋 She will not be forgotten 💜🦋

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