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  • atphodgkiss

Some days are easier than others?

Yes this is very true. I feel secure when I'm with my husband. I can do more when I'm with him. He's like my comfort blanket. When he is in work I find it very difficult to leave the house. I do leave as I still need to do things.

It does'nt matter how long it's been since Aria gained her wings, every day is a battle. I feel like she kept us all together and made us a whole family. She completed us. Now I feel like the family has broken as my other children are older they do there own thing. Which is amazing to see, but I really miss the family being together as a family of 6. I really miss those days 😔

I am really trying each day, like I said some days are easier than others. Each day is different as something else will come intoy head or a new picture will come up on my phone.

Life will never be the same again 😭

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Aug 06, 2023

The love and dedication that you and your husband share is so cherishable…it’s balm for your soul and prevents you from spiralling into dark places

I wish you some easier days Mel ..💜💜💜

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