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  • atphodgkiss

Not every day is ok?

After I did the talk for Abbie's Army at beauty pageant I was ok. I think I worked myself up to make it through the night. Sunday I was ok too.

But today I feel like I've been hit by a bus. My emotions are all over the place. All I've done is cry and all I want is Aria here, happy and healthy. I hate days like this. As I am no good to noone. I can't function or do anything. I just want to curl up and sleep. I have to push through the day. My mind goes into over drive and I just want to be left alone. I HATE it.

Some days are better than others. But when I have a bad day it really does take it out of me. I have no idea on how to navigate through these days.

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Aug 15, 2023

It’s a roller coaster but you are hanging on and hanging in there

To overcome your grief to speak publicly is incredible and unsurprisingly you came down with a thud afterwards …

I’m sure that sharing all that you do is going to help many people in the future …you do Aria and your family proud ..💜💜💜


Aug 14, 2023

It’s okay and normal to have a bad day. I had them and still do sometimes. You were so busy, and that helped with your grief. Then it was over and you had the time to sit and be lonely and think about missing Aria. When you were busy you were channeling your grief into something else. As a schoolteacher , I went back to work one week after my husband died. People asked me how I did it. It actually helped me because if I had sat alone all day at home I would have been a mess. It was my way of getting through it. Yiu just have to figure out what will help you through some o…

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