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  • atphodgkiss

Is PTSD real from losing a child?

I've always thought a lot about this. Do parents suffer with PTSD when they loose a child?

In my own experience, yes it's very real. I can be doing something and bang, I'm back to when the worst happened. Or I could see something or smell something and it brings back all the sad/worse time we had with Aria.

When all this happens I get really sad, I cry a lot. I can also suffer with bad anxiety, which has affected me a lot. I stay in a lot. I don't really leave the house a lot. I feel safe at home. This is where Aria is. She is all around me.

People think once the funeral has been you can start to heal. This is so wrong! You can think you are having a good day and bang, a flash back happens. Then I cry and I'm back to square one.

On days like today I know I can reflect on what is happening. This does not always happen. Most days I cry and cry a lot. My poor husband gets the brunt of it all.

But,in my own opinion PTSD is real! Anxiety is real. Depression is real. You want to make things better, you want to bring your child back.....but you know this can't happen! It eats you up every day! I hate it....I really do

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1 comentario

03 ago 2023

Your PTSD is very real

While Aria was alive you would have roller coasted constantly between treasuring every moment with her and wanting to collapse with the overwhelming fear of losing her …and now you are dealing with the aftermath

My heart aches for you but you are incredibly strong for being able to share this and do what you do ..💜💜💜

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