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  • atphodgkiss

I just wish things were different

I really wish things were different. Today we all sat down as a family and had a meal for Aria. This time last year we had Arias Christmas day.

When we were told she didn't have long left we decided we had to do an early Christmas day. As I knew she wouldn't have lived until the 25th of December. So the 12th of November 2022 was our new Christmas day. She was amazing. She left a carrot and mince pie for Santa the night before. She chose the plates she wanted.

Then she opened her presents on the 12th and she loved it..even though she couldn't speak. She was amazing. She played with them. Then had some lunch and ate cake. Her favourite part!

Then had a bath and went to sleep. She was amazing. So full of energy.

Unfortunately around 10 days later she became so ill she had to have a tube put in for liquids. Then she passed on the 1st of December 2022.

I have cried a lot today. I miss her terribly. But, also I know what's coming. I will relive each day now until the 1st of December 2022 at 12.33am. When my baby aged 4.5 years took her last breath and left us.

I hate every part of this. I relive every day again and again. All I want is my baby back please. I will be happy again then 💔💔

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