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  • atphodgkiss

How day to day objects can make me cry?

It's so hard some days. Even hoovering the stairs can make me cry! We have pictures of Aria everywhere. I am ok most days walking past them as I go up and down the stairs. But today as I was cleaning the stairs I started to cry just looking at them. This is what grief does. It gets you when you least expected. It's so difficult!

I am trying so hard to keep positive and some days I find it easier than others. Like going out to a cafe for a cup of tea over the weekend. I wouldn't have done that as I would start crying when I see toddlers or babies. But, this weekend it was ok. I saw some and I smiled then I mentioned Aria. We smiled and we talked about her. I'm super proud of myself for that.

Grief is everywhere and anywhere. It will hit you when you least expected it.

But I have to keep going for Aria. 💜💜💜

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Aug 08, 2023

This is such a gorgeous photo of her …all pretty in pink

You were and are a magnificent mother who gave her daughter a life filled with love and joy and laughter ..its there in all those photos . ..videos ..and momentos of Aria that are everywhere

Thank you for sharing them with us ..💜💜💜


Aug 07, 2023

You should be proud of yourself! I understand. When I see old pictures of my husband with my children I almost cry. I still can’t watch old videos and it’s been almost 8 years. ❤️

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