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  • atphodgkiss

8 months without you

1st of August 2023. Today has been hard, it's been 8 months without you. I have no idea where the time has gone. It feels like yesterday when we lost you and you gained your wings.

It doesn't get any easier. I watch your videos and look at your pictures and I cry. I just want you here with us with me. It's so hard without you.

I feel everyone else has moved on and I'm stuck. Like I'm waiting for you. I don't know how to do this without you. You made everything ok. You made the worst days feel normal. You made them possible to carry on each day. Now, I dont know how to do it. How do I move forward and carry on each day, knowing you are no longer by my side?

You should be here Aria. You should be a happy 5 year old, running around being you. Not gone. This pain in immense and painful.

I miss you behond words. I talk to you every day, I really hope you can hear me. I would do anything to hold you again. To be able to sit and talk with you and listen to you. To hear your laugh again.

I'm sorry I couldnt save you Aria. I thought I tried and I thought you might have been one of the lucky ones. I'm sorry 😔

I love you so much. I am always talking about you with anyone who listens to me. But, to be honest I hardly leave the house as I feel more secure here. I feel closer to you.

Love you so much baby girl 💜💜💜

Mummy xxxxxxx

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Aug 02, 2023

Aria will always be with you, she will hear you always


Aug 01, 2023

I think this blog is a great way to heal and manage grief . I’m from North Carolina and have been an Instagram follower for awhile. I’m so glad to see you doing this! Grief is such a difficult journey. I continue to pray for you. I haven’t lost a child to death , but I lost an adult daughter to mental health issues. The pain isn’t easy.

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